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Контрольная работа Вариант 2

12 окт 2010, 17:55
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Контрольная работа Вариант 2 (задания 2 и 4)

Контрольная работа №2 Вариант 2 UNSTAD`VII and AFTER
       1. Theworld economy in the 1980s has been characterized by a lowdown in growth ofdemand and output, compared with the preceding two decades, generally lowerrates or inflation, difficulties in many countries in adapting to structuralchanges, a mounting stock of debt, high real interst rates, high and increasinglevels of protection, commodity prices depressed to their lowest level in 50years, terms-of-trade losses sustained by commodity exporting countries, and agenerally insecure economic environment in which million of people still laskthe basic conditions for a decent life.
       2. Inthis difficult global economic situation, there has been a diversity ofsocio-economic experiences. Developed market-economy countries have succeededin curbing inflation and in maintaining steady, though slow, growth, butunemployment levels are still high and external payments imbalances remainexcessive in world trade, the impact of their slow growth has been transmittedto other countries which have had to reckon with it as a significant factor inpolicy formulation. Growth has slowed also in countries of Eastern Europe.
       3. Mostdeveloping countries have has to retrench; they have been unable to consolidateand build upon the economic and social progress which they had achieved duringthe two preceding decades. In the 1980s, the average per capita income of thedeveloping countries as a whole fell further behind that of the developedcountries. Indeed, per capita incomes declined in most countries in Latin America and in sub-Saharan Africa.Nevertheless, a number of more industrialised export-led economies of East Asia, and the larger Asian low-income economics, havecontinued to grow.
Контрольная работа №4 Вариант 2 THEEMERGENCE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP
       1. Inpreindustrial America,firms were typically very small and owner-managers had daily personal contactwith their employees, supervising as they worked alongside them. Manufacturingestablishments were craft shops in which the owners directly supervisedjourneymen and apprentices.
       2.Gradually, as entrepreneurs increased in number and it became sociallyacceptable for individuals to pursue their economic self-interest, a socialenvironment evolved in which the energies of individuals were directed byraising or lowering the rewards offered for various tasks.
       3. Amarket-oriented society began to emerge. Competition appeared, marking ittougher for any one firm to gain a strategic position for its own advantage.Likewise, buyers were restrained from forcing prices below the costs ofproduction, for other eager buyers would quickly outbid them. The market becamea contest wherein buyers sought to pay as little as possible for commoditiesand sellers sought to extract as high a price as buyers would pay.
       4. Aslate as the 1870s, the major business enterprises were engaged in servicing anagrarian economy. Except for a few companies supplying the needs of the rapidlyexpanding railroad enterprises, the leading firms processed agriculturalproducts and provided farmers with food and clothing.
       5. Thesefirms were generally small by today’s standards – even though they utilizedwhat then were mass production technologies. They bought their raw materialslocally and for the most part they sold their finished goods locally.
Where they manufactured for a market more than a fewmiles away, they distributed their goods through commissioned agents or jobberswho handled the business of several other similar firms.

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