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БАНК РАБОТ » Английский язык » Контрольная работа №1 по Английскому языку Вариант 2

Контрольная работа №1 по Английскому языку Вариант 2

07 май 2010, 08:24
1 863
| Жалоба
Вид работы:
Город, год:
% по системе
1 упражнение.Это перевод предложений и выделение слов по заданию.
2 упражнение.Перевести предложения и выделить глагол-сказуемое,определить вид и залог
3 упражнение.Переписать следующие упражнения,содержащие модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.Переведите предложения на русский язык.
4.Выписать предложения ,выделить причастие первое и второе,указать является ли оно определением,обстоятельством или частью глагольного сказуемого.
5.Прочитайе текст и переведите 1,3 абзацы
6.Прочитайте второй абзац и ответьте на вопрос ...

1) Microeconomicsexamines cause and effect relationships that influence choices ofindividuals, Firms & society.
2) The desire toearn profits is a second ingredient in a market economy.
3) Adam Smithdisagreed with those who called for governmentregulation of economy.
1) The company has recently signed a deal. (PresentPerfect, active voice)
2) A typical largesupermarket offers around 17000 to 20000 items for sale. (Presentsimple, active voice)
3) The new highway willbe completed next month. (Future Simple, passive voice)
1) In many caseseconomic issues cannot be solved with theories ofmodels alone.
2) Business peopleoften have to travel a lot.
3) The conference is to start at 10 a.m. & finish at 5 p.m.
1) The firm will switch to the new accounting(определение) procedures at the endof the year.
2) The price paid (определение) for the use oflabor is called "wages”.
3) To the economist"capital” is something created (определение) by people to produce othergoods & services.
The oil and gassector accounts for approximately 45% of Russian exports, 60% of foreigncurrency revenues and 20% of GDP. Russia’s fuel and energy sectorcontrols approximately 5% of world oil reserves and 34% of world gas reserves.
 However, the fuel and energy sector iscurrently in sharp decline. Production has fallen by almost 50% over the pastten years, from 550 million tones in 1989 to 300 million tones in 1998. Duringthe same period, and especially over the past two years, the volume of bothdomestic and foreign investment has fallen sharply.
Only a major influx of new investmentscan reverse the negative trend in the oil industry and prevent the erosion of Russia’sforeign currency base. Russiamust establish an attractive, stable and competitive investment regime.
What is the onlyremedy against Russia’sdomestic oil supply problems?  The onlyremedy against Russia’sdomestic oil supply problems is the sale of the oil production on the domesticRussian market.

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