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БАНК РАБОТ » Английский язык » Контрольная работа №3 по Английскому языку Вариант 4

Контрольная работа №3 по Английскому языку Вариант 4

19 апр 2015, 09:30
2 335
| Жалоба
Вид работы:
Контрольная работа
Город, год:
Тула 2015
% по системе
I. Переведите письменно существительные (1 - 10). Выберите    определения (a – j), соответствующие существительным.
1. budget    a) a general direction in which situation is changing or developing
2. brand    b) the ability to do something well 
3. IPO (initial public offering)    c) a person or a company that somebody owes money to
4. save    d) a decrease in amount, number, etc.
5. trend
e) the reason why somebody does something or behaves in particular way 
6. skill                   f) the act of a company selling its own shares on the stock         market for the first time
7. motivation    g) a set of products of a particular type that are made or sold by a company
8. creditor    h) to keep money instead of spending it, especially by putting it in a bank account
9.   fall    i) the amount of money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time.
10.product line                   j) a name given to a product by the company that makes it,   especially a trademark
II.  Вставьте в каждое предложение подходящее по смыслу пропущенное  слово:
brand, communication, accounts, invested, slogan, sum
III.    а)   Выполните КОПР № 3, 5.
b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.  Before John celebrated his 26th birthday, he had started his own company.
2. The world’s leading gas and oil exporter has become one of the most attractive markets in the world.
3. The company has been dealing in car sales for many years.
IV. a)  Выполните КОПР № 1.    
b) В следующих предложениях подчеркните герундий и инфинитив.   Переведите предложения на русский язык. 
1. Banks are interested in keeping most of their money in circulation so that it should bring them profit.
2. In 1913 H. Ford began to use  assembly-line techniques in his plant.
3. Many countries in Asia have an absolute advantage in manufacturing electronic goods. 
V.   Прочитайте  и устно переведите текст. Письменно переведите абзацы 1,2.
 Russia isTaking the Global Step
1. Russian companies moving into Asian markets are often attracted to China primarily for its growth and size. But increasingly they are finding that investment opportunities in Southeast Asia are too good to be ignored and making the move. The future of Russian business will depend not only on Russia attracting international players to its markets, but also on Russian companies making greater inroads internationally. Russian corporates are increasingly taking this step. Only a decade ago it was only Russian energy giants, or resources producers, that had moved into the global marketplace. But more and more, they are being joined by infrastructure and construction companies, machinery and equipment manufacturers and lessors, and Russian mobile telecommunications operators. More Russian corporate players can be expected to follow.
VI. Определите являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения: 
a)    истинными (true)
b)    ложными      (false)
c)    в тексте нет информации (noinformation)
VII. Прочитайте абзац  3 и письменно ответьте на вопрос:
What are the attractions of Southeast Asian market?

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